Public Health


is to promote the development of a cost-effective and non-discriminatory healthcare system, transparent and rational spending of public funds, ensure equal access to essential medicines and proper treatment, including vulnerable groups

Accountability of healthcare spending

Development and dissemination of models of transparent and rational planning and use of public funds for healthcare.

Balanced and non-discriminatory drug policy

Development and implementation of a regulatory base for: - ensuring access to treatment with controlled substances (pain treatment and substitution maintenance therapy); - reducing the criminalization of people who use drugs (softening penalties for possession of small quantities of drugs).

Fighting corruption in healthcare

Independent control over the public procurement of essential medicines for treating HIV/AIDS, TB, hepatitis and cancer. Supporting independent hospital supervisory boards to monitor the use of public funds and charitable donations. Analyzing the impact of healthcare reform on access to treatment and corruption.

Legal empowerment of vulnerable groups

Ensuring that patients, including vulnerable groups, have access to quality free legal aid. Increasing the capacity of vulnerable groups to monitor and document human rights violations and represent their personal interests and those of their community.



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