Democracy and Good Governance


We help preserve stable democracy in Ukraine and make Ukrainian governance transparent and accountable

Preventing the collapse of democratic reforms in post-war Ukraine and the centralization of power in the state administration system

In the field of democratic development of the state, the program opposes such challenges as the curtailment of democratic reforms and the introduction of additional restrictions, restrictions on the openness of government, the trend towards centralization and the strengthening of manifestations of corruption and abuse of power.

Promoting accountable and transparent recovery that engages civil society and takes into account the principles of environmental harm reduction

In this direction, work on the creation of an effective "architecture" of recovery, ensuring the capacity and transparency of the work of authorities responsible for recovery is foreseen. This includes ensuring the transparency of mechanisms and procedures, advocating public involvement in reconstruction processes, advocating the opening of data necessary for monitoring reconstruction, monitoring and preventing abuse and corruption, promoting the need for ecological restoration


Overcoming challenges related to environmental protection

This component of the work will be handled by the Initiative for the Development of Environmental Policy and Advocacy in Ukraine (EPAIU), which the Foundation has been implementing with the support of Sweden since 2019. The initiative works in the direction of overcoming such challenges as the lack of public communication about environmental problems in Ukraine and the impact of war on the environment, the insufficient level of eco-culture of citizens, which negatively affects the implementation of the waste management system, the lack of eco-thinking among those who make decisions and develop management decisions and is responsible for their implementation, the insufficient level of cohesion of the environmental movement in Ukraine, the expert capacity of CSOs on environmental issues and the involvement of eco-CSOs in decision-making, and the risk of closing public information related to the preservation of the environment



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