Social Capital


We build and strengthen communities that are the backbone of an open society, create prerequisites for public dialogue and cohesion based on democratic values

Strengthening communities in promoting democratic transformations, preventing authoritarian tendencies and building trust and cohesion

"Social capital" builds and will strengthen effective mechanisms of networking, cooperation and exchange of experience between horizontal communities, which have shown their significance in the development of trust and cohesion of Ukrainian society in the conditions of Russian aggression. This line of activity will be implemented by supporting public initiatives, independent media and media activists in combating disinformation, the influence of pro-Russian and populist narratives and promoting critical understanding of information, strengthening initiatives that oppose illiberal and anti-democratic narratives, supporting the production of quality content that helps prevent manipulation , leading to division and polarization of society.

Countering desinformation and promoting critical thinking

This direction of activity will be implemented by supporting public initiatives, independent media and media activists in countering disinformation, the influence of pro-Russian and populist narratives and promoting critical understanding of information, strengthening initiatives that oppose illiberal and anti-democratic narratives, supporting the production of quality content that helps prevent manipulation , leading to division and polarization of society.

expansion of international solidarity with Ukraine in the intellectual, academic and cultural spheres

Programs to engage in cultural diplomacy, support international solidarity with Ukraine in the intellectual, academic, and cultural spheres. The program envisages the implementation of this direction through: Brain Drain prejudice, expansion of cooperation between Ukrainian and foreign academic and artistic and cultural institutions, deepening of knowledge and understanding of Ukraine among various foreign audiences, institutionalization of interest in Ukraine, strengthening of Ukraine's international subjectivity in academic, scientific and cultural spheres.




Democracy and Good Governance


We help preserve stable democracy in Ukraine and make Ukrainian governance transparent and accountable

Europe and the World


The mission of the program is to support the European integration of Ukraine as a means to introduce effective pro-European reforms in the areas of democratization, human rights, good governance and the rule of law based on the best global practices, as well as to work on increasing aid

Human Rights and Justice


Contribute to holding Russia accountable for war crimes, continuing justice reforms in Ukraine, and protecting the fundamental freedoms of Ukrainians

Social Capital


We build and strengthen communities that are the backbone of an open society, create prerequisites for public dialogue and cohesion based on democratic values

Civic resilience


The program aims at strengthening organizational and advocacy competences of organisations of war veterans, internally displaced people and bereaved families, supporting development of better policies and inclusion mechanisms, and creating conditions for civic dialogue, understanding and reintegration

Environmental Initiative


Environmental Policy and Advocacy Initiative for Ukraine (EPAIU) is aiming at the civil society organizations development that act in the environmental field – institutionally capable, transparently governed, accountable and publicly recognized, and help improve the quality and inclusiveness of environmental policy making and implementation by means of strengthening inputs from civil society into designing, advocating, implementing and monitoring environmental policies and practices at all levels, and raising public awareness of, and demand for a problem-relevant, more inclusive, rights-based and conflict-sensitive approach to environmental policy and decision-making. The EPAIU has being implemented with a support of Sweden.

European Renaissance initiative


Promoting the inclusive, accountable, ecological and intelligent recovery of Ukraine as a country guided by European values and principles. The project is implemented by the Fund together with the European Union.

Support of think tanks


It seeks to contribute to Ukraine’s transformation into a successful, inclusive and accountable European democracy by creating conditions for independent public policy institutions to grow organizationally, strengthening the voice of independent think tanks in the policy process, making their output relevant for key stakeholder groups in the Ukrainian society, and enabling them to make a stronger impact on policy-making. The theory of change behind theTTDI is to improve the quality and practice of public policy-making in Ukraine by enhancing the role, institutional and policy capacity, credibility, visibility and collaborations of Ukrainian think tanks in the policy process. The outcome objective is improved quality and practice of public policy making in Ukraine that involves civil society participation.

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