Social Capital


We build and strengthen communities that are the backbone of an open society, create prerequisites for public dialogue and cohesion based on democratic values

Strengthening communities in promoting democratic transformations, preventing authoritarian tendencies and building trust and cohesion

"Social capital" builds and will strengthen effective mechanisms of networking, cooperation and exchange of experience between horizontal communities, which have shown their significance in the development of trust and cohesion of Ukrainian society in the conditions of Russian aggression. This line of activity will be implemented by supporting public initiatives, independent media and media activists in combating disinformation, the influence of pro-Russian and populist narratives and promoting critical understanding of information, strengthening initiatives that oppose illiberal and anti-democratic narratives, supporting the production of quality content that helps prevent manipulation , leading to division and polarization of society.

Countering desinformation and promoting critical thinking

This direction of activity will be implemented by supporting public initiatives, independent media and media activists in countering disinformation, the influence of pro-Russian and populist narratives and promoting critical understanding of information, strengthening initiatives that oppose illiberal and anti-democratic narratives, supporting the production of quality content that helps prevent manipulation , leading to division and polarization of society.

expansion of international solidarity with Ukraine in the intellectual, academic and cultural spheres

Programs to engage in cultural diplomacy, support international solidarity with Ukraine in the intellectual, academic, and cultural spheres. The program envisages the implementation of this direction through: Brain Drain prejudice, expansion of cooperation between Ukrainian and foreign academic and artistic and cultural institutions, deepening of knowledge and understanding of Ukraine among various foreign audiences, institutionalization of interest in Ukraine, strengthening of Ukraine's international subjectivity in academic, scientific and cultural spheres.



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