Civic Organization “Europe without Barriers” with support of the European program initiative of the International Renaissance Foundation holds a press- conference: «Last steps of Ukraine on the way to a visa-free regime with the EU: what has to be done by the Ukrainian authority?» The event will take place on March 20, 2015 from 11.45 till 12.30. at the Ukrainian crisis media center (Ukrainian house, 2 Khreshchatyk street, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Civic Organization “Europe without Barriers” with support of the European program initiative of the International Renaissance Foundation holds a press- conference: «Last steps of Ukraine on the way to a visa-free regime with the EU: what has to be done by the Ukrainian authority?» The event will take place on March 20, 2015 from 11.45 till 12.30. at the Ukrainian crisis media center (Ukrainian house, 2 Khreshchatyk street, Kyiv, Ukraine)
During the Riga Eastern Partnership Summit, scheduled to take place on 21-22 May, 2015 the Ukrainian authorities expect to receive a positive decision from the EU on granting to Ukraine a visa-free regime. The optimistic expectations of the Ukrainian authority are based on the argumentation that Ukraine has already finalized all the technical tasks defined in the second phase of the Visa Liberalization Action Plan.
However, the progress assessment of the EU expert’ evaluation mission, which visited Ukraine at the beginning of the current year is rather moderate. The official results will be published closer to the Riga Summit.
Europe without Barriers experts will offer their alternative assessment on how the Government of Ukraine fulfills all the measures necessary for abolishment of visas by the EU. The list of problematic issues, which still need to be resolved by the Government of Ukraine for making a prospect of visa free movement between the EU and Ukraine real one, will be also presented. Experts will introduce their analysis regarding the EU readiness to grant a visa free entry to the Ukrainian citizens in conditions of an open military conflict at East of Ukraine.
- The key institutional and procedural “gaps” in the second, implementation phase; the ways of eliminating them?
- Counteraction corruption and discrimination: do the most sensitive spheres from the Visa liberalization Action Plan meet the EU standards?
- Will migration risks and organize crime fighting become a challenge for a visa-free regime introduction?
Key speakers:
Iryna Sushko, the head of the civic organization “Europe without Barriers”
Maryana Kuzio , project coordinator, civic organization “Europe without Barriers”.
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