On October 24, the all-Ukrainian large-scale project “Strengthening the capacity of communities for reconstruction through piloting their interaction with universities” was launched, which is being implemented by the Alliance of Ukrainian Universities together with the communities of Ukraine with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation. The project began with an educational forum in Kyiv, where representatives of communities, experts from universities and employees of relevant ministries discussed the project implementation process, future cooperation and directions of work.
Within this project, the selected pilot communities, together with experts from six Ukrainian universities, will work on the development of local governance, improve project management skills, and contribute to attracting funding for community development and the reconstruction of local infrastructure damaged by hostilities. The project will last for a year, during which there will be comprehensive program training for specialists from communities, as well as direct implementation of own ideas and requests with the support of experts from Ukrainian universities.
Communities were selected from several regions of Ukraine. In the Sumy region, these are Shostkynsk, Romensk and Sumy TCs, in Dnipropetrovsk – Zelenodolsk, Marganetska and Mirivsk TCs, in Rivne – Bereznivsk and Varansk TCs. Lozivsk TC of Kharkiv region, Mensk TC of Chernihiv region, Verkhovynsk TC of Ivano-Frankivsk region and Chervonogradsk TC of Lviv region will also take part in the project.
The higher education institutions that joined the Alliance of Ukrainian Universities in the spring of 2023 will provide their expertise and assistance to the communities – Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (Kyiv), Kyiv School of Economics (Kyiv), Dnipro Polytechnic National Technical University (city of Dnipro), National University of Water Management and Nature Management (city of Rivne), Sumy State University (city of Sumy) and Ukrainian Catholic University (city of Lviv).
The project is implemented by the Alliance of Ukrainian Universities with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation. The material represents the position of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the position of the International Revival Foundation.