How ready is the legal environment for the use of artificial intelligence technologies? This question was investigated by analysts from the Dnistriansky Center with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation and the European Union, as part of the joint initiative “European Renaissance of Ukraine”.
The development of generative AI and the boom in interest in ChatGPT prompted analysts to investigate more deeply how familiar those who will use them on a daily basis – judges, prosecutors, and lawyers – are with them, and what they see as the prospects and limitations of their use.
Another key question set by the teams of the Dnistriansky Center and Fama Research Agency was to analyze the possibility of using AI technology in justice.
The study does not and cannot answer all questions about the use of AI in criminal justice. However, the research team wants future decisions in this regard to be not only “simple and quick” but also data-driven. This report and the analytical studies of the Dnisterianskyi Center analysts within the project will provide such data.
This study was implemented with the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework of the joint initiative “European Renaissance of Ukraine”.