On 21 September, a demonstration against Russia’s environmental crimes was held in Vienna to call on the international community to punish Russia for its environmental crimes and support demining programs, environmental protection and endangered species.
The action was initiated by UAnimals as part of the #StopEcocideUkraine campaign, supported by our Foundation and the European Union. Ukrainians and foreigners gathered to remind the world that the future must be saved now!
‘Every day Russia kills and maims. Forests are burning, animals are dying, and water bodies are contaminated due to shelling and mine explosions. Ukraine and the world will feel the consequences of these crimes for decades. Take action! Join the #StopEcocideUkraine rallies, tell about them in your social networks and invite your friends from abroad,’ UAnimals calls.
The following rallies within the #StopEcocideUkraine campaign will be held in:
Brussels, Belgium – 25 September 17:30
Location: Robert Schuman Square
Point on the map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/AVmU8nyCiqAV7eQaA?g_st=ic
Co-organiser: https://bit.ly/3ZoNDD7
Paris, France – 28 September 15:30
Location: TBD
Co-organiser: https://bit.ly/3B4HMsh
The Hague, the Netherlands – 30 September 12:00
Location: International Criminal Court.
Map point: https://maps.app.goo.gl/siNpr8C9doDMre6u7?g_st=ic
Strasbourg, France – 1 October at 8:00 a.m.
Location: Council of Europe
Point on the map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/fVfcYkiUk6ioaXMG9?g_st=ic
Co-organiser: https://bit.ly/3ZyaqMV
Photo: Iryna Karpenko