The book of success stories “The Public for Democratization” was published

The collection presents the success stories collected by the winners of four grant competitions held within the framework of the project “Civil Society for Democratization”. The project was implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting with the financial support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation.

This collection is the result of the work of 25 grantees of the Civil Society for Democratization initiative. The stories cover extremely diverse projects, but they are all designed to contribute to the resilience of Ukrainian society on its path to development and victory.

Grantees of the project that contributed to the collection: Crisis media center “Siversky Donets”;
Together to Civil Society; Open Space of Civil Development; Volyn Foundation; Regional
Development Agency of Tavria Territorial Communities Association; Educational Space 2.0;
Creative Hub Berezhany; Ray of Hope; Your Support; Impuls.UA; LAMPA; Federation of
Amateur Mykolaiv Theatre; Charitable Association of the Nation; Charitable Fondation “Svit.
Ukraine. Pology”; Public Center for European Integration and Development of Ukrainian-Polish
Relations “From Varta to Bug”; Volunteer Headquarters of Zhytomyr; Centre for Civic
Advocacy; Women in Ukraine; EKOSFERA; Territory of Sustainable Development;
Academy of Development, Support and Social Adaptation of Children “KIDDOM”; Vynnytsia
organization of social development and education of certain underprivileged groups of youth
“PAROSTOK”; Journalists Association “Alternative”; Psychological Service of Euromaidan;
Development Center Pangeya Ultima.

You can read the collection in electronic version here

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