Results of the “Hold the line-2” call for proposals as part of the project “European Renaissance of Ukraine.”

The International Renaissance Foundation announces the results of the “Hold the line-2” call for proposals, which ran from March 9 to 31, 2023, as part of the “European Renaissance of Ukraine” project.

This call aims to support volunteer and veteran associations that, together with their communities and local communities, are paving the way to Ukrainian victory. The call also aims to help volunteer and veteran associations strengthen and maintain their institutional stability and promote the development of civic stability, social cohesion, self-organization, mutual assistance, and conflict resolution in communities.

The winners were 14 out of 85 project proposals, the support of which became possible thanks to the cooperation of the Foundation with the European Union within the framework of the project “European Renaissance of Ukraine: a civil society initiative for Sustainability and Recovery”.

Facebook announcement can be seen here.

List of supported projects:

  1. NGO “Psychological Service of Euromaidan” – project “Veteran and the Law: New Challenges” (Rivne)
  2. Public union “Veteran’s House”- project “Training of psychologists, psychotherapists, and psychiatrists to work with war-traumatized people” (Zhytomyr)
  3. “Kryla Peremohy” Charity Foundation – project “Aibolyt” (Irpin)
  4. NGO “Ukrainian WomenVeteran Movement” – project “Volunteer Rapid Response Headquarters “VETERANKA” (Kyiv)
  5. NGO “People’s self-defense of Lviv region” – project “Base 4.5.0” (Lviv)
  6. Public union “Vinnytsia analytical and educational center Veteran space” – project “Legal and psychological support of the families of the fallen defenders and wounded soldiers “We are close” in the Veteran space of Vinnytsia” (Vinnytsia)
  7. Center for readaptation and rehabilitation “YARMIZ” – project “Formation of a system of psychological support for defenders and their families as a guarantee of community stability” (Kyiv)
  8. NGO “Movement to support Transcarpathian military-Uzhgorod” – project “Return to life – a social-psychological project for the wounded, veterans, and family members of military personnel who are “waiting” (Uzhgorod)
  9. NGO “Association of Entrepreneurs – ATO Veterans” – project “Reintegration of veterans and female veterans through entrepreneurship” (all-Ukrainian project)
  10. “VETERANS HUB Odesa” Charity Foundation – project “Recovery: strength, resources, health” (Odesa)
  11. International Charitable Foundation “Smile” – project “The Way Back” (Kropivnytskyi)
  12. NGO “RC “FOREST GLADE” – project “Strengthening the effectiveness of providing comprehensive psychosocial assistance to servicemen and veterans in mental health care institutions” (Kyiv)
  13. NGO “ALL-UKRAINIAN LAW PROTECTION ORGANIZATION “LEGAL HUNDRED” – project “Strengthening legal protection of servicemen and their families” (all-Ukrainian project)
  14. Charity Foundation “Volunteer Association “VESTA” – project “#beaware” (all-Ukrainian project)

In 2023, the International Renaissance Foundation (IRF), with the financial support of the EU, launched the project “European Renaissance of Ukraine: a civil society initiative for Sustainability and Recovery”. This project aims to strengthen the contribution of Ukrainian civil society to the political dialogue regarding EU integration and the restoration of Ukraine.

The International Renaissance Foundation has been a Framework Partner of the European Union in Ukraine since December 2019.

#MovingForwardTogether to victory!

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