Support of think tanks


It seeks to contribute to Ukraine’s transformation into a successful, inclusive and accountable European democracy by creating conditions for independent public policy institutions to grow organizationally, strengthening the voice of independent think tanks in the policy process, making their output relevant for key stakeholder groups in the Ukrainian society, and enabling them to make a stronger impact on policy-making. The theory of change behind theTTDI is to improve the quality and practice of public policy-making in Ukraine by enhancing the role, institutional and policy capacity, credibility, visibility and collaborations of Ukrainian think tanks in the policy process. The outcome objective is improved quality and practice of public policy making in Ukraine that involves civil society participation.


- Enhanced role, visibility and credibility of Ukrainian think tanks in the policy process; - Institutionally stronger think tanks that produce quality research and policy advice, which is in demand and can influence policy development; - Enhanced level of the cooperation between public authorities and think tanks at the national and regional levels; - Strengthening the institutional and expert development of IRF as a capacity building hub for Ukrainian think tanks.

Terms of implementation

Terms of implementation: October 2017 – December 2020 Implementation Plan of the Think Tank Development Initiative for Ukraine (TTDI) within 2017-2020: - Institutional support for national and regional think tanks - Support and development opportunity for university-based policy research centers - Policy Internship Program for young professionals. - Proactive arrangements for think tanks’ communication and networking through annual conferences, advocacy trips to EU Member States, and joint research projects. - Joint research and debates with public authorities. - Assessment of policy-relevant research in Ukraine.

Training priorities within the Initiative

The training program has been formed in the following areas: Organizational development of think tanks - Public policy analysis - Communication of think tanks - Cross-cutting topics: anticorruption issues, non-discrimination and gender equality (key expert, environmental issues, European integration.

The online platform

Online learning is part of the training program of the Think Tank Development Initiative in Ukraine. There are 7 online courses available. WOMEN AND MEN: GENDER FOR ALL URBAN STUDIES: A MODERN CITY SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL STUDIES: WHAT, HOW AND WHY? DATA ANALYSIS WITH R LANGUAGE DATA VISUALIZATION MACHINE LEARNING PROJECT MANAGEMENT

Grantees (2017-2020)

Agency of Journalism Data (TEXTY) Аll-Ukrainian NGO "Association for community self-organization assistance" New Europe Center Institute of Analysis and Advocacy DiXi Group CEDOS (Center for Society Research) Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation СASE Ukraine Ukrainian Centre for European Policy VoxUkraine Centre for Economic Strategy CIFRA Anti-Corruption Research and Education Centre School for Policy Analysis Ukrainian Catholic University



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