Ukrainian experts call on the EU to substantially review the European Neighbourhood Policy

Ukrainian independent experts published their proposals on the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) within the ongoing EU public consultations on the issue.

Ukrainian independent experts published their proposals on the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) within the ongoing EU public consultations on the issue.

Detailed proposals by Ukrainian experts on the practical strengthening of the ENP in the Eastern Partnership region are focused on the following six areas:

  • Strengthening security on the European continent and the role of the EU in this task;
  • Joint response to the Russian propaganda;
  • Supporting the implementation of Association Agreements, including institutional capacity building;
  • Economic integration and development, making use of the DCFTA potential;
  • Strengthening energy security;
  • Communication, mobility and contacts between people.

The text contains the proposal to more ambitiously conceptually define and practically implement the fundamental ENP principles of solidarity, conditionality and “more for more”, differentiation, joint ownership and responsibility. In particular, “solidarity” should mean a real common response to common challenges and the recognition of the indivisibility of security of the partner countries and EU Member States.

Ukrainian experts call on the EU to be flexible in order to, regardless of the debate about the EU formal membership perspective, in the short term offer to Ukraine and other EU associated countries of the Eastern Partnership the practical instruments of assistance enjoyed by the candidate countries.

Development of proposals of Ukrainian independent experts to review the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Eastern Partnership was initiated and coordinated by the European program initiative of the International Renaissance Foundation in close cooperation with the Ukrainian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and the Ukrainian side of the Civil Society Platform (newly formed institution under EU-Ukraine Association Agreement) and in consultation with the Government Office for the European Integration.

These ideas and suggestions are addressed not only to EU institutions but also to the governments of Ukraine and the EU member states as well as to the civil societies, independent experts of EU member states and other partner countries – for discussion and development of common approaches.

Text of proposals

Contacts: Dmytro Shulga, European program initiative Director, IRF,


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